

collision with sb/sth 掽碰,沖突
ment on /about 對...的評論
between A and B
plaint of /about 報怨,控诉
promise between/on 折衷,妥協
concentration on sth 專心,会合精神
concentration of sth 集合,凑集
concern about/for/over 擔古道热肠
confidence in 對...的信赖,信任
connection between; 關係,連接
consent to sth 批准
with/to sth contact with sb/sth 接觸,聯係
contest for sth 爭奪,競爭
contradiction between 抵触,纷歧緻
contrast to/with sth 對比,對炤
contribution to 貢獻,捐獻,促进
between A and B conversation with sb 對話
conversion 轉變,轉換
about sth of sth into sth credit for sth 榮譽,讚揚
damage to sth 損壞
danger to sb/sth 危嶮
decision on/against 做/不做...的決定
decrease in sth ...的減少
defence against 防备,保衛
delegate to 參减...的代表
demand for 對...的需要
departure from 離開
desire for sth 巴望
difference 分歧,差異
difference 不合
dispute about 爭論,辯論
distinction between 區別
doubt about/as to 懷疑
effect on 對...的感化
emphasis on 對...的強調,重视
encounter with 遭受,碰到
enthusiasm about/for 熱情
entrance to ...的进口,进場
envy of sb 妒忌
exception to ...的破例 of /at sth
exposure to sth 裸露
fancy for sth 喜愛
faith in 對...的信赖,信奉
glance at 掃視
gratitude to sb 感谢
guess at sth 猜測
for sth hatred for/of 冤仇
hazard to 危嶮
hunger for 盼望
impact on/ upon 對...的撞擊,宏大影響
improvement on/in 對...的改進,进步
increase in sth 增添,删長
independence from 獨破,自立
influence on 對...的影響

