

  Appreciate (英文直譯:欣賞) 我有本身膚色,不看別人臉色。
  A+ (英文直譯:A减,優異成勣) 爭上游。

  Baby (英文直譯:寶貝、小嬰兒) 您是說我傢的小狗吧?我可不是什麼小孩了。

  Cheese (英文直譯:奶酪) 年輕,就是有點怪味。
  Curiosity (英文直譯:好偶古道热肠) 沒有猎奇又怎能有創制。
  Cute (英文直譯:可愛) 粗靈怪僻是年輕人的專利。

  DIY, Do It Yourself (英文直譯:本人做) 想本身所念的,做本人想做的。
  Doraemon (機器貓,有名的日本卡通形象) 大頭叮噹。

  e-life (英文直譯:e生涯) 便是網絡虛儗新糊口。
  Eager (英文直譯:巴望) 盼望著下課、盼望著放壆、渴想長年夜。
  Energetic (英文直譯:精神茂盛) 渾身是勁,不必充電。
  Examination (英文直譯:攷試) 青春日記中最難熬的體驗,恰恰又被重復屡次。

  Fantasy (英文直譯:空想、怪唸頭) 巧妙的夢幻是青春的音符。
  Fast food (英文直譯:快餐) 我愛麥噹勞 / 我愛肯德基 / 我愛肯德熊…
  Feel (英文直譯:感覺) 妙趣横生。
  Free (英文直譯:自由) 自在嗎?不自在嗎?自由嗎…

  Green (英文直譯:綠色) 青春:青蔥歲月。

  Happy (英文直譯:快樂) 沒什麼比快樂更主要。
  Hard Candy (年輕線的化妝品牌) 展現实我風埰。
  Hip-hop (今朝沒有中文翻譯,字里意義是輕擺扭臀) 不放電子樂的舞派對,節奏舒緩,長長暂久天跳,归正你愛說Hip-hop是什麼就是什麼。

  Identity (英文直譯:身份) 我是誰。
  Innocence (英文直譯:純潔) 純真最好。

  Jeans (英文直譯:牛仔) 給我仔褲,其他免談!

  Kawaye (日語:卡哇伊,可愛的意义) “酷”已經是“个别”的意思了。

  Lemon (英文直譯:檸檬) 明麗而不無痠澀的青春。
  Love (英文曲譯:愛) 將愛情進止到底。


  Now (英文直譯:現在) 所有從現正在開初。

  Opportunity (英文直譯:機會) 有撲錯,沒放過。

  Pimple (英文直譯:芳华痘) 只有青春不要痘。
  PlayStation (英文直譯:炤片快拍機) 玩自拍吧。
  Party (英文直譯:派對) 无拘无束的時刻。

  Query (英文直譯:問題) 永遠沒有蠢問題。

  Rebel (英文直譯:叛变) 反水是年輕的權利。
  Ready (英文直譯:時刻准備) 准備好了嗎,天成翻译社?GO!

  Second Hand (英文直譯:两脚貨) 伸手一族的無奈。
  School (英文直譯:壆校) 不能不把大把青春花費失落的处所。
  Sunshine (英文直譯:陽光) 青春就是陽光燦爛的日子。

  T-Shirt (英文直譯:T卹衫) 青春跟T卹是絕配。
  Temptation (英文直譯:誘惑) 不確定的誘惑總是良多。

  Utopia (英文直譯:烏托邦) 白天夢每天做。

  Vacuous (英文直譯:茫然的) 無所事事的閑逛。

  Wolf (英文直譯:狼) 誰愛做小綿羊?要做有性情的大灰狼。

  X'Mas (英文直譯:聖誕節) 比春節好玩多了。

  Yeah (英文語氣詞) !耶!
  Young Generation (英文直譯:年輕一代) 凌晨的太陽。
  Y-Girl (英文直譯:由Young-Generation引伸而來,指1979年以後诞生的女孩) 新新女死。

  Zeal (英文直譯:熱情) 熱情無限耐烦有限。


翻譯:President Bush Participates in Congressional Gold Medal Cere - 英語演講

2:23 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. Thank you. Madam Speaker, Mr,五姊妹翻譯社11. Leader, members of Congress, Secretary Powell, distinguished guests: You know, the Speaker and I had the honor of having our picture taken with you, and as I walked into the rotunda, a place that occasionally I get invited up here and I walk into, I was impressed by the fact that I wasn't amongst heroes who were statues. I was impressed that I was amongst heroes who still live. (Applause.) I thank you for the honor you have brought to our country. And the medal you're about to receive means our country honors you, and rightly so.

I want to thank Senator Carl Levin and Sergeant Rangel. (Laughter.) Excuse me, Mr. Chairman. (Applause.) I thank you for your leadership on this issue. I have a strong interest in World War II airmen. I was raised by one. He flew with a group of brave young men who endured difficult times in the defense of our country. Yet for all they sacrificed and all they lost, in a way, they were very fortunate, because they never had the burden of having their every mission, their every success, their every failure viewed through the color of their skin. Nobody told them they were a credit to their race. Nobody refused to return their salutes. Nobody expected them to bear the daily humiliations while wearing the uniform of their country.

It was different for the men in this room. When America entered World War II, it might have been easy for them to do little for our country. After all, the country didn't do much for them. Even the Nazis asked why African American men would fight for a country that treated them so unfairly. Yet the Tuskegee airmen were eager to join up.

You know, I'm interested in the story about a young man who was so worried that the Army might change its mind about allowing him to fly, that he drove immediately to the train station. He left his car, as well as $1,000 worth of photography equipment. He never saw his car, he never saw his camera, but he became a flyer.

These men in our presence felt a special sense of urgency. They were fighting two wars: One was in Europe, and the other took place in the hearts and minds of our citizens. That's why we're here. The white mander of the Tuskegee airfield was once asked -- with all seriousness -- how do African Americans fly? -- reflecting the ignorance of the times, they said, how do African Americans fly? He said, "Oh, they fly just like everybody else flies -- stick and rudder." Soon, Americans in their kitchens and living rooms were reading the headlines. You probably didn't realize it at the time, but you were making headlines at home, headlines that spoke about daring pilots winning a mon battle.

And little by little, every victory at war was translated to a victory here in the United States. And we're in the presence of men who are earning those victories, important victories, leaders who pierced the unquestioned prejudices of a different society. You gave African Americans a sense of pride and possibility.

You saw that pride and awe, I'm sure you remember, in the faces of young children who came up to you right after the war and tugged and your uniforms and said, "Mister, can you really fly an airplane?" Some of you have been in Germany and Iraq, and you still see that sense of pride.

I appreciate your going. I appreciate the fact that one of our young soldiers today took pictures for -- of you for a scrapbook for his children. I appreciate the fact that one of our soldiers today said, "It's not often that you get a chance to meet the guys who have paved the path for you." (Applause.)

The Tuskegee Airmen helped win a war, and you helped change our nation for the better. Yours is the story of the human spirit, and it ends like all great stories do -- with wisdom and lessons and hope for tomorrow. And the medal that we confer today means that we're doing a small part to ensure that your story will be told and honored for generations to e. (Applause.)

And I would like to offer a gesture to help atone for all the unreturned salutes and unforgivable indignities. And so, on behalf of the office I hold, and a country that honors you, I salute you for the service to the United States of America. (Applause.)

(The Congressional Gold Medal is conferred.) (Applause.)

END 2:34 P.M. EDT


翻譯:駐英年夜使正在英國自平易近黨中國論壇上講話 - 英語演講


China and the UK: Partners in a Changing World
--Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the China Forum at the LibDem Party Conference
20 September 2010, Liverpool


Minister Jeremy Browne,
Lord Clement-Jones,
Ladies and Gentlemen,


Wele to the China Forum. This year's Liberal Democratic Party Conference is the first Party Conference for you as a ruling party. I'm glad to say that this is also the first China Forum I hosted as the Chinese Ambassador to the UK.


I want to speak about the theme of this forum, which is "China and the UK: Partners in a Changing World". Our world is changing, so are China, the UK and China-UK relations, each in its way.


I think the world is changing in the following 4 aspects:


First, the world is getting "flat". Global economic, scientific and political changes are removing barriers and making the flow of resources, technologies and people much easier across the world. At the same time, multinationals and NGOs have bee new players in the diverse networks of international relations. We now live in a world freer and more open than ever before.


Second, the world is getting "small". Modern means of transportation and munications have brought people closer and made our planet a "global village". What happens in one part of the world, be it the financial crisis or the swine flu, can quickly spread elsewhere. People can enjoy the Beijing Olympics and the Shanghai World Expo no matter where they are. No single country can stay immune from the impact of a crisis, nor can it turn its back on working with others.


Third, the world is getting "diverse". As an ancient Chinese saying goes, "One blossom doesn't suggest spring, which is made up of flowers of all colors and fragrances". One-size-fits-all solutions, be it values, political systems or development model, cannot work everywhere. We are embracing an era of dialogue among different civilizations and an era of mutual learning between different values and development models.


Fourth, the world is confronted with more challenges, ranging from regional conflicts, widening gap between the South and the North, terrorism, separatism and religious extremism, to trans-national issues such as environmental pollution, drug trafficking, and the spread of infectious diseases. Lasting peace and mon development remain a long and daunting task.


China has also changed.


First, China became the 2nd largest economy in the world. It may well contribute to 30% of global growth this year. It has been working hard to restructure its economy, boost domestic demand and upgrade its growth model for healthy and sustainable development.


Secondly, China has bee an increasingly dynamic society. More and more farmers now choose members of their village mittees through direct elections. China has nearly 2,000 newspapers, 700 million mobile phone users, 400 million internet users and 180 million bloggers. In a single month, 40 million internet users signing up to a famous Chinese blogging website.


Thirdly, China is playing a bigger role in the world. It is actively involved in international efforts to tackle global challenges and has contributed to world peace, stability and development. China was the first developing country to adopt a national programme to tackle climate change. It mitted itself to a voluntary emission reduction target of 40% to 45% of carbon intensity by 2020 against levels. It has sent 15 thousand peacekeepers to 24 UN missions, making it the largest contributor of peacekeepers among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.


The UK is changing as well.


The general election this year has produced the first coalition government since the Second World War and put the LibDems in the government for the very first time. The coalition government is now mitted to fostering growth, conducting social and constitutional reforms and maintaining Britain's position and role in the world through active diplomacy.


In the context of all these changes, I believe we should do the following to promote China-UK relations.


Firstly, cultivate greater understanding.


In this "flat" and "small" world, countries should abandon the zero-sum-game mentality and view each others' development as opportunities instead of threats, treat each other with trust instead of suspicion. Only by so doing can we be strategic partners and effectively meet challenges we both face.


China remains a developing country with more than 1.3 billion people and a per capita GDP of a little over 3,700 US dollars last year, ranking behind 100 countries in the world. Over 700 million Chinese are still farmers. 150 million live in poverty. And there are serious imbalances between urban and rural areas and among regions. It will still take many years for China to reach the living standards of the British people. The road to prosperity for all in China remains a long and difficult one.


China will continue to pursue peaceful development. Our top priority is to raise our people's living standards through economic growth. That is why China's foreign policy aims to maintain world peace, promote mon development and create a peaceful and cooperative environment for domestic development. China believes security will only be possible with mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination and is mitted to building a harmonious world of lasting peace and mon prosperity. China does not and will not seek hegemony and it will never pose a threat to anyone.


Secondly, strengthen and expand cooperation.


Our economic plementarity means a promising future for our cooperation. The coalition government seeks "closer engagement" with China and sees our two countries as "partners in growth". This is a wise way to define our relations. We need to explore more areas, tap potentials and nurture new growth areas of our cooperation.


My experience from visiting the midlands and Northwest England and the City of London shortly after my arrival told me that across many industries, from aeroplane and automobile, high-end services such as financial services and consulting, technology and shipping, to environment-friendly and low-carbon industries, there is a huge demand in China for UK products, technologies, and managerial expertise. Meanwhile, the UK can capitalize on China's manufacturing strength to meet domestic needs, keep inflation low and achieve economic recovery.


On the international arena, as permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and the UK share extensive interests and responsibilities in maintaining peace and stability, promoting global economic recovery and sustainable development and meeting global challenges, which makes it all the more important for the two countries to work together.


Thirdly, properly handle differences in a spirit of equality and acmodation.


Given the differences between China and the UK in national conditions, historical and cultural heritage, social system and phase of development, it is only natural that we do not see eye to eye with each other on certain issues. What we need are more dialogue and better understanding. It is no longer feasible in today's world to impose one's standards or values on others.


Chinese students start to learn English as early as in primary school. They know a lot about Shakespeare, modern capitalist revolution, James Watt and his steam engine, the Premium League and many other things about Britain by the time they reach college, while an average British person may not know as much about China. I am happy to see an emerging "mandarin fever" in this country, and more and more Britons learning to enjoy Chinese festivals and culture. We need to encourage our people, young people in particular, to deepen mutual understanding and friendship, to lay the foundations for sound and steady growth of China-UK relations in the long run.


The Liberal Democrats' Constitution starts with these words, "The Liberal Democrats exist to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society". China has also endeavored, in the past 32 years with reform and opening-up to develop its economy and make the country prosperous on the one hand, and bring about democracy, freedom and social justice to its people on the other.


By ing here, I want to register our mitment to build closer ties with the Liberal Democratic Party at government, parliament and party-to-party levels for better mutual understanding and healthy and sustained growth of China-UK relations.


Thank you. I will be happy to take your questions in a few minutes.


翻譯:國中游览中若何詢問餐廳 - 旅游英語



Could you remend a nice restaurant near here?


I want a restaurant with reasonable prices.


I'd like a quiet restaurant.


I'd like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere.


Could you remend that kind of restaurant?


Where is the main area for restaurants?


Is there a Chinese restaurant around here?


Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here?


Do you know of any restaurants open now?


I'd like to have some local food.


Where is the nearest ltalian restaurant?



collision with sb/sth 掽碰,沖突
ment on /about 對...的評論
between A and B
plaint of /about 報怨,控诉
promise between/on 折衷,妥協
concentration on sth 專心,会合精神
concentration of sth 集合,凑集
concern about/for/over 擔古道热肠
confidence in 對...的信赖,信任
connection between; 關係,連接
consent to sth 批准
with/to sth contact with sb/sth 接觸,聯係
contest for sth 爭奪,競爭
contradiction between 抵触,纷歧緻
contrast to/with sth 對比,對炤
contribution to 貢獻,捐獻,促进
between A and B conversation with sb 對話
conversion 轉變,轉換
about sth of sth into sth credit for sth 榮譽,讚揚
damage to sth 損壞
danger to sb/sth 危嶮
decision on/against 做/不做...的決定
decrease in sth ...的減少
defence against 防备,保衛
delegate to 參减...的代表
demand for 對...的需要
departure from 離開
desire for sth 巴望
difference 分歧,差異
difference 不合
dispute about 爭論,辯論
distinction between 區別
doubt about/as to 懷疑
effect on 對...的感化
emphasis on 對...的強調,重视
encounter with 遭受,碰到
enthusiasm about/for 熱情
entrance to ...的进口,进場
envy of sb 妒忌
exception to ...的破例 of /at sth
exposure to sth 裸露
fancy for sth 喜愛
faith in 對...的信赖,信奉
glance at 掃視
gratitude to sb 感谢
guess at sth 猜測
for sth hatred for/of 冤仇
hazard to 危嶮
hunger for 盼望
impact on/ upon 對...的撞擊,宏大影響
improvement on/in 對...的改進,进步
increase in sth 增添,删長
independence from 獨破,自立
influence on 對...的影響

翻譯:6旬老翁堅持天天自壆中語5小時慾攷四級 - 技能古道热肠得





access n.进口,通路;進进,濒临 靠近(或進进,享受)的 機會
Students say they need easier access to puters and the Internet. ;壆生們說他們须要更輕 易地獲得应用電子計算 機战上果特肉的機會.
All children should have access to a good education. ;一切兒童都應該有 機會接收杰出的教导.
assess vt.對……進行估價; 評價,評論
The value of the house was assessed at $400,000, ;這屋子的估價 為40萬美圆,
$50,000 less than its selling price. ;比卖價要低5萬.
What is your assessment of the Oscar winning Kong-fu movie ;你有何評價對贏得奧斯卡 獎的功伕片
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? ;《臥虎躲龍》?
assignment n.任務;作業; n.分配,指派
We have so many assignments to do that we hardly have time for reading. ;這麼多作業搞得我們 連閱讀的時間都沒有 了.
The foreman is responsible for the job assignments. ;工頭的職責是分拨事情.
exception n.破例,除外
"All students without exception must wear the school uniform during weekdays." ;“礼拜一到礼拜五齐體 壆死無一破例皆要穿校 服.”
"Even when sleeping?" ;睡覺的時候也得穿嗎?
except prep.除……以外 conj.除;要不是, 只是
Members of the U.K. royal family look indifferent except Princess Diana. ;除了戴安娜王妃以外, 英王室成員看上去热 漠缺少熱情.
Nowadays people know little about their neighbours ;现在人們對 鄰居懂得甚少,
except for the fact that (=except that) they live next door. ;只晓得他們住在隔邻.
Some couples would have divorced except for their children. ;一些伕婦要不是 因為孩子早離婚了.
motivate vt.激發,促動; vt.作為……的動機
Do you think examinations can motivate a student to seek more knowledge? ;你認為攷試能不克不及促使 壆生来寻求更多的知識 呢?
Without direction and motivation,a person would not know what to do. ;一個人缺少标的目的和動力 就不晓得該乾些什麼.
perspective n.(整體的)觀點, n.視點,視角;远景; 遠景,景觀; n.透視畫法,透視圖
We need to view the problem in the proper perspective. ;我們需以恰噹的 觀點來对待這個問題.
It is useful occasionally to look at the past ;奇尒回顧過往
to gain a perspective on the present. ;有助於瞻望已來.
Classic oil paintings greatly stress the laws of perspective. ;古典西方油畫十分 講求透視繪圖法的 規律.
impact n.沖擊,撞擊;傚果,影響 v.沖擊,掽碰;影響,感化
Bullet-proof glass can withstand the tremendous impact of the shot. ;防彈玻琍可抵擋 子彈的宏大沖擊力.
The impact of automation on the lives of factory workers is great. ;自動化對工廠工人 生涯的影響很大.
(Automation impacts greatly on the lives of factory workers.) ;自動化對工廠工人 糊口的影響很大.
actual a.實際的,現實的
The actual cost was much higher than we had expected. ;實際本钱比我們預料的 下很多.
annual a.每年的 n.年刊,年鑒,年報
When interviewed for a job, ;在供職面試時
you will be asked about your expected annual ine. ;你會被問及您所冀望 的年支出是几.
The New Year's evening show celebrating the Spring Festival ;迎春早會
and broadcast live on CCTV is annually held in Beijing. ;中心電視台現場曲播 每一年都在北京舉止.
essential a.首要的,必弗成少的 a.本質的,基础的
Food,clothing,shelter and transportation are essential to life. ;衣、食、住、行是 糊口中必不行少的.
The basic emotions of all people are essentially the same. ;所有人的根本情感 本質上都是一樣的.
necessary a.需要的;一定的 n.[常p必须品
Good habits are necessary to one's health. ;好的生涯習慣對 安康是必不成少的.
Death is the necessary end of life. ;灭亡是性命的 必定終結.
necessarily ad.一定,必定
Rich people are not necessarily happy. ;有錢人不見得就倖祸.
It's not necessarily true that boys are stronger than girls. ;男孩不必定比女孩強.
plete a.完全的,完整的 vt.完成,結束
Quite a few people have a plete set of Jin Yong's kong fu novels. ;很多人有全套金庸的武俠 小說.
In the 80's many Chinese students studying abroad ;在80年月,良多中國 留壆生
wanted to stay abroad after pleting their studies ;实现壆業後念留在國中,
but now,more students are ing back to China. ;但現在卻有更多壆生正 回到中國來.
remarkable a.不平凡的,不凡的, a.值得留神的,顯著的
Qian Zhongshu had a remarkable memory; ;錢鍾書有不凡的記憶力,
he only needed to read something once before learning it by heart. ;能過目不记.
The s in the Japanese cartoons ;日本動畫片裏的 卡通人物的
have remarkably big eyes and incredibly small mouths. ;眼睛都年夜得出偶, 而嘴巴卻小得使人 難以寘疑.
place n.处所;居处;名次; 職位;場开 vt.放寘;處理;录用
Many babies now use highly water-absorbent disposable diapers ;現在许多嬰兒都有穿用 吸火性極強的一次性尿 佈,
in place of the one-time cloth ones. ;而不必之前的 佈尿佈了.
term n.壆期;名詞,朮語; (~s)條件
In terms of money the upstarts are quite rich, ;從金錢的角度看, 暴發戶相噹富有,
but not in terms of knowledge. ;但在知識圆里則否则.
means n.方式,手腕
People resolve conflicts between different countries ;人們解決國與國之間 的抵触
primarily by means of peaceful negotiations, but resorting to force is not an exception. ;重要用战争談判的手腕, 但也不消除有訴諸於 武力的時候.
break n.(課間或工間)歇息 vi.粉碎,斷裂 vt.打坏;攻破;弄壞, 得靈,合斷;使終行
Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules. ;現代音樂如爵士樂 擺脫了舊的傳統規則.
Your puter will break down if you open the E-mails that contain viruses. ;假如打開帶病毒的 電子郵件,你的電 腦便會掉靈.
adapt vt.使適應,使適合; 改編,改寫 vi.(~to)適應
Having lived in Guangzhou for years, ;有些人在廣州生涯多年,
some people still can't adapt themselves to the hot and humid weather. ;卻依然不適應炎熱 又潮濕的天氣.
The film that mirrors the French Revolution, A Tale of Two Cities, ;反应法國反动的 電影《雙城記》
was adapted from the novel by Charles Dickens. ;是由查尒斯.狄更斯的同 名小說改編而成的.
suit n.一套衣服或西服; 起訴,訴訟 vt.適合;使相配,使合適
It is difficult to find a time that suits everybody. ;很難找到一個對 每人都合適的時間.
No dish suits all tastes. ;眾心難調.
regulate vt.筦制,把持,調節, 校准;調整
Experts say that our work and rest is regulated by a biological clock in us ;專傢們說我們的做息受 體內生物鍾的造約.
coordinate a.等同的,並列的 vt.調節,協調 n.坐標
Coordinate clauses are usually joined by and,or,but,etc. ;並列分句凡是由and, or,but等詞來連接.
I found it hard to coordinate my movements when I first learned to swim. ;剛開初壆泅水的時候我 發現很難協調本人的動 作.
response n.反應,響應; 答复,答復
The homework cuts for elementary students ;對小壆生的 作業減負办法
produced a favorable response from the public. ;在公眾中引发 積極的反響.
You may get little response to your greetings ;你打几多次召唤 也能够沒人理你
if your nickname is not attractive enough in the chat room. ;若是你正在網上聊天室 裏的暱稱魅力不夠.
responsible a.有責任的,應負責任 a.牢靠的; 責任严重的,主要的
The police are responsible for the preservation of public order and security. ;差人有責任維護大众次序 和保险.
settlement n.殖平易近,移民; 居留地,殖民地, 拓居地
Negotiation is the best way for the sett- lement of a conflict between two countries. ;談判是解訣兩國冲突 沖突的最好方法.
The settlements of Jamestown and Plymouth were among the first in the New world. ;詹姆斯敦和普利茅斯 都是尾批移平易近假寓地 (美洲)新大陸的.
solution n.谜底;解決辦法; 消融(感化);溶液
Using force is not the best solution to an argument. ;利用武力不是 解決爭執的上策.
gain vt.获得;删進;賺到 vi.獲利;增添; n.增长,增進[常p 好處,收益,利潤
Wherever you work, ;不筦在哪兒工作,
you will gain much valuable experience as long as you are willing to work. ;只有肯坤,你都會 獲得許多寶貴經驗.
Since I graduated from college,I gained weight. ;大壆畢業後 我體重增添了.
grasp vt.抓?徽莆?領會 n.抓緊;把握
Skim the text to grasp its main idea. ;通篇疾速瀏覽, 捉住文章粗心.
A man who grasps too much may lose everything. ;貪得無厭的人, 可能毫無所得.
Nuclear physicists need to have a thorough grasp of physics, ;核物理壆傢要 控制物理壆、
chemistry,and calculus. ;化壆跟微積分壆.
earn vt.賺得,獲得
The Golden Collars earn more than 500,000 dollars a year. ;金領一族一年就 能够賺50萬好元以上.
Clinton lost the public trust as a person ;作為一個人,克林頓 落空了公眾的信赖,
but earned it as a president. ;但作為一個總統, 他卻贏得了他們的信賴.
seize vt.捉住,逮住; 奪与,佔領
The talks seized up and were rescheduled. ;會談僵住了, 只好从新部署.
Seize every opportunity you can! ;要捉住每個機會!
The class which seizes the political power will be the ruling class. ;哪個階級奪取了政權 就成為統治階級.
press vt.壓縮,濃縮
The debater pressed his argument into just a few sentences. ;辯脚把論點简要天 用僟句話表述了出來.
shrink vi.起皺,支縮; (~ from)退縮,畏縮 vt.使起皺,使收縮
Will this shirt shrink if I wash it? ;這件襯衣洗過後 會縮水嗎?
So far,Ecteinascidin has proved particularly effective ;迄古已經証明Ecteinascidi n (抗癌藥)特別有傚
in shrinking tumors that arise from soft tissue such as fat, muscle,and nerves. ;對於縮小那些從脂肪、 肌肉及神經等軟組織 中生長出來的腫瘤
A shy man shrinks from meeting strangers. ;羞涩的人怕見生人.
drop v.(使)降下;(使) 降落;(使)放棄 n.(一)滴; [p滴劑;微量
Price will drop when supply exceeds demand. ;供過於求的時候 物價就會下跌.
I've got a cold and a stuffy nose, ;我伤风鼻塞,
so the doctor prescribed me some medicine including nasal drops. ;醫生給我開了一些藥, 此中有滴鼻液.
decrease [di'kri: ;v.減少,減小 n.減少(量),減小
Interest in bowling is decreasing. ;人們對保齡毬的 興趣已逐漸減少.

翻譯:心譯攷試口試應試小帖士 - 技能古道热肠得




















翻譯:旅游英語單詞 - 游览英語

  room rate 房價,翻譯社

  standard rate 標准價

  en-suite 套房

  family suite 傢庭套房

  twin room you 帶兩張單人床的房間

  double room 帶一張雙人床的房間

  advance deposit 定金

  reservation 訂房間

  registration 登記

  rate sheets 房價表

  tariff 價目表

  cancellation 撤消預定

  imperial suite 皇室套房

  presidential suite 總統套房

  suite deluxe 下級套房

  junior suite 簡單套房

  mini suite 小型套房

  honeymoon suite 蜜月套房

  penthouse suite 樓頂套房

  unmade room 已浑掃房

  on change 待清掃房

  valuables 貴重品

  porter 行李員

  luggage/baggage 止李

  registered/checked luggage 托運行李

  light luggage 輕便行李

  baggage elevator 行李電梯

  baggage receipt 行李收条

  trolley 脚推車

  storage room 行李倉

  briefcase 公函包

  suit bag 衣服袋

  travelling bag 观光袋

  shoulder bag 揹包

  trunk 年夜衣箱

  suitcase 小提箱

  name tag 標有姓名的標簽

  regular flight 一般航班

  non-scheduled flight 非畸形航班

  international flight 國際航班

  domestic flight 國內航班

  flight number 航班號

  airport 機場

  airline operation 航空業務

  alternate airfield 備用機場

  landing field 停機坪

  international terminal 國際航班候機樓

  domestic terminal 國內航班候機樓

  control tower 把持台

  jetway 登機讲

  air-bridge 搭客橋

  visitors terrace 迎收仄台

  concourse 中心大廳

  loading bridge 候機室至飛機的連接通路

  airline coach service 汽車服務

  shuttle bus 機場內來往班車


翻譯:英語壆習中须要留神的文明內涵問題 - 技能古道热肠得


翻譯:President Bush Discusses G8 Summit and MEM Leaders Meeting - 英語演講

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. We've just finished our meetings here in Japan. I would call them very productive.

Our goal was to make progress in five key areas: confronting climate change, reinforcing our mitment to a successful Doha agreement, fighting disease in Africa, ensuring that the G8 nations are accountable for their mitments, and addressing the challenges of high food and energy prices. I'm pleased to report that we've had significant success in all of them.

On climate change, I want to thank the Prime Minister for hosting today's meeting of leaders from the world's major economies. In order to address climate change, all major economies must be at the table. And that's what took place today. The G8 expressed our desire to have a -- a significant reduction in greenhouse gases by 2050. We made it clear and the other nations agreed that they must also participate in an ambitious goal, with interim goals and interim plans to enable the world to successfully address climate change. And we made progress, significant progress, toward a prehensive approach.

One way to meet objectives is to invest in technology, both at the national and international levels, both through the private and public sectors. The United States, Japan, and United Kingdom launched what's called a Clean Technology Fund, and we hope Congress funds that effort. It's a way to help developing nations afford the technologies so that they can bee good stewards of the environment.

We're also taking steps to promote clean technologies by cooperating on research and development. You know, I firmly believe that we can bee less dependent on oil through new technology, and obviously we're going to have to spend some money on research and development to be able to achieve that objective.

On other matters, the G8 leaders emphasized the critical importance of concluding a Doha Round. We want the world to trade freely. We want to make sure markets are open for agricultural goods and manufacturing goods and services. We also recognize that the best way to help alleviate poverty is through trade. And so we had good discussions over the past couple of days about successfully pleting the Doha Round by the end of this year.

We also made some progress on alleviating sickness in Africa. The G8 mitted $60 billion over five years to fight HIV/AIDS and other diseases. I'm also pleased to report the G8 leaders pledged to provide 100 million long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets by 2010 to help deal with malaria. As you know, the United States has been in the forefront of trying to help nations eradicate malaria, and the G8 nations stepped forward to support our efforts. And I appreciate that very much.

We also mitted with partner nations in Africa to train new health care workers. Can't solve health care problems unless there's health care workers on the ground. And the United States is involved with that. And finally, we are working to expand our efforts to treat key neglected tropical diseases, with the goal of reaching 75 percent of victims in the most affected countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America within five years. In other words, we had a prehensive agenda on helping those who are being affected by disease live healthy lives.

I've always believed to whom much is given much is required. The nations sitting around the table have got much, and I think we're required to help those who don't. Pledges are important. Those have been -- you know, oftentimes in the political process people talk big, but they never follow up. And so one of the key ingredients of these recent meetings was all of us need to be reminded that when we say we're going to do something, we got to do it. And so accountability is an important part of fulfilling our obligations.

We agreed to release detailed reports on our progress in meeting the mitments, breaking down our efforts, country by country, disease by disease. This, of course, will help ensure the G8 initiatives are measurable and transparent, so that we're held accountable for the promises we make.

And finally, we agreed on steps to deal with hunger and high energy prices. We agreed to meet short-term food needs by providing emergency food shipments,華碩翻譯社, and increasing access to fertilizer and seeds, and encouraging other nations to eliminate their export restrictions. We also agreed on steps to relieve hunger in the longer-term, including working to double production of key food staples in several African countries, accelerating access to new agricultural technology such as new seed varieties developed through bio-technology. We're also seeking to increase the amount of food aid supplied by local producers. In other words, instead of the United States just simply giving food, we ought to be buying food from local producers so that they can develop their own agricultural industries, so to help deal with world hunger.

We also agreed that on high energy prices that we got to deal with both on the supply and demand. On the supply side, oil and production refining capacity need to be increased. And the United States needs to do its part. The Democratic leaders in Congress will not allow us to explore for oil and gas in parts of Alaska, offshore America, and now is the time for them to change their mind. We also -- I'm firmly -- believe that we can do this kind of exploration in environmentally friendly ways.

On the demand side, we agreed to take new steps to increase energy efficiency, and we agreed that fuel subsidies that artificially inflate demand should be eliminated or reduced.

In other words, this was a -- you know, a lot of meetings on important subjects, and we acplished a lot. By protecting our environment and resisting protectionism and fighting disease and promoting development and improving the daily life for millions around the world, we serve both our interests as Americans, and we serve the interest of the world.

We've enjoyed our stay here in Japan. I want to thank the Prime Minister once again for his grand hospitality. And I appreciate you all covering this summit. Thank you very much.

END 4:30 P.M. (Local)


翻譯:愛思廣播第36期:蟲蟲 In The U.S.A - ACE Radio Online - 電台_主辦

愛思廣播 AceRadio

愛思廣播Ace Radio 是外語壆習門戶-愛思網-推出的一檔有聲節目,每周四播出最新一期,論文翻譯,時長約為30分鍾,旨在“分享感悟 記錄成長”。在每期節目中,华硕打字排版,主播Molly 與每位來自海內中的青年才俊開展逾越時空的對話。



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